Saturday, 20 January 2007

High Cholestrol - how safe are Statins?

For those of you who are not subscribed to the truly excellent magazine and website of WDDTY (What Doctors Don't Tell You) and you know someone who is taking statins for cholesterol problems you might find the following of some interest.......

STATINS: The ‘safe’ drug that may cause Parkinson’s disease

Everyone seems to be popping a cholesterol-lowering statin drug these days. They have become part of the daily health regime for millions of people, and they are considered to be so safe that one statin – simvastatin – is available over-the-counter in the UK without a prescription.
They’re not safe, of course, and a new study that links statins to Parkinson’s, the disease of the central nervous system, underlines the point.
Statins reduce levels of the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol – and the new study, from the University of North Carolina, believes these lowered levels may trigger Parkinson’s. Sufferers can have levels of LDL cholesterol that are three times below the average.
Researchers are so concerned by their discovery that they are initiating an immediate and major study involving 16,000 participants.
This is not exactly the first piece of bad news about the ‘safe’ statins. One statin, Baycol, was withdrawn from the market in 2001 after 31 people died from rhabdomyolysis, a muscle-weakening disease caused by the drug. At the time, 601 further cases of rhadomyolysis and 38 deaths among statin users had been reported to America’s drug regulator, the Food and Drug Administration.
Other reported side effects include heart failure, liver and kidney damage, myalgia, insomnia and sinusitis.
None of this will stop the statin rollercoaster. They are among the most popular drugs in the world, topping annual sales of $20bn, thanks in part to the creative prescribing flair of doctors, who are also dishing them out to patients with osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s.
(Source: Movement Disorders, published on-line on December 18, 2006).

Sunday, 14 January 2007

Made a New year's Resolution?

Well, I wonder how many of you made New Year's resolutions that have already bitten the dust? Why is it so hard to 'get going'? The answer is exactly why hypnotherapy can help you to achieve your goals. Whether it is losing weight, working on your confidence issue, improving your work or leisure perfomance or giving up some addiction your subconscious mind has 'learnt' to carry on and will fight any change. Hypnotherapy can effectively 're-programme' your thought processes and put in place new positive and healthier ideas. And for those of you who have never had hypnotherapy but have seen 'twerps' on TV seemingly under the control of the stage hypnotist, don't worry. The people on stage are only doing just what they want to do i.e. show off on national television. They are not out of control and will ignore anything that was against their morals. Do have a look at the hypnotherapy write-up on our main website for more info.
Good luck with the resolution re-start!

Thursday, 4 January 2007

Zambroza fruit juice

Have just discovered another reason for drinking Zambroza. No doubt many of you will have heard of the new super-food 'goji-berries' that is getting a lot of press at the moment. Well, another name for the goji berry is the Wolfberry and wolfberries are one of the main constituents of Zambroza. Do have a look at our main website via the nutrition page to find all the other fantastic ingredients of Zambroza - the best anti-oxidant that money can buy.

A Thought

Did you know that scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a woman's sex drive by 90%.

It's called a Wedding Cake.