Saturday, 30 June 2007

Cancer and terminal illness

This post has been put together for anyone who has been diagnosed with or is recovering from cancer and for anyone who would like to prevent it. It is not intended to take the place of medical diagnosis or treatment - it is intended to arm you with extra vital tools and resources, so that you can make informed decisions about your health. It is by no means an exhaustive list. If you have cancer and would like to access some of the suggested internet links but you are not on the internet you probably know someone who is or, you can access the web-sites below at your local library: the staff will be only too happy to help if you are new to computers. Remember - information is power!

Please copy this post and pass it on to anyone who may be interested.

Personal Development
Our thoughts and emotions affect our body, so it makes sense to detoxify this area of our life too and release past hurt, anger, bitterness, resentment etc before it manifests physically and literally ‘eats away’ the body. Complementary therapies (see below), self help books and tapes from can play an important role in your emotional health.
Maintain your vital life force energy – take regular exercise, oxygenate your blood, have regular Reiki sessions and practice visualization techniques to boost your immune system, your positive outlook and your spirit. Free old and/or negative emotions with Emotional Freedom Techniques (meridian tapping therapy). In a recent German survey of 3000 cancer patients, 97% stated that complementary therapies had lifted their spirits and gave them a more positive outlook.
Hypnotherapy clinics for visualization techniques, positive mental attitude, natural pain management etc EFT &
Reiki Clinics: Available in Buckingham. Please call 01280 814081 for information or see
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay – available at most bookshops. A thought provoking book to make you think about dealing with issues before they cause you any more harm.
Cosmic Colour, Betty Shine, - Available at most bookshops and Feeling down, wearing drab/dark colours? Learn how to brighten your life: just wearing a brighter colour, even if it’s unseen, can lift your mood and help you with a positive outlook.
The Healing Journey, Matthew Manning. One of the worlds’s most gifted healers. Discover powerful new ways to help deal with cancer and other serious illness.

Nutrition & Nutritional Supplements

PH Balancing: Have you ever seen a swimming pool that has been neglected? The water goes a very nasty shade of dark green and ‘things’ start to grow in it. This is because the water has gone acid. Your body behaves exactly the same way. Processed food i.e. a ‘western’ diet, lack of exercise and stress can make your body like an untended swimming pool which if not corrected can result in cancer, arthritis, M.E., digestive problems, ulcers etc. Contact Graham at Wishing Well for a Lifestyle & Diet Assessment to find out how you can make simple changes to correct the acid state of your body and bring it back into balance.

Zambroza A delicious fruit drink based on the mangosteen that is a powerhouse of antioxidants. Zambroza helps the body fight the effects of ageing, counter inflammation caused by excess free radicals, support the cardiovascular system, promote energy, help maintain healthy cell growth and enhance the immune system. This drink is the most powerful antioxidant on the market, organically/naturally sourced, contains no artificial sweeteners, colours or flavourings. Produced to the normal pharmaceutical standards that are the pride of Nature’s Sunshine.

Paw Paw Cell-Reg: A uniquie herbal supplement from Nature’s Sunshine that selectively targets specific cells to enhance the overall health of your body. Works very effectively with Zambroza fruit juice.

With the health of our nation in rapid decline, we clearly do not get what our body needs from the artificially ripened, over-farmed, cold-stored, pesticide laden and polluted fruit and vegetables served up by profit-motivated supermarkets - Not forgetting the highly processed, micro-waved convenience foods.
Nature’s Sunshine provides the most potent, highest quality, organically sourced and GM free vitamins, minerals and herbs (endorsed by Dr Hilary Jones GMTV & Angie Best, personal trainer). They are available from Wishing Well on 01280 814081 or you can e:mail me via

Toxic Bathroom Products

A time-bomb available at every high street supermarket and chemist: If you have cancer or want to avoid it, you must stop using toxic chemicals on and in your body. Personal care products such as antiperspirants, shampoo, talc, make-up etc all contain harmful, industrial chemicals that build up in the fat cells of the body (ICON May 03). E’SPA and Nature’s Sunshine produce a range of Beauty, Skin & Hair products that are formulated with natural ingredients and are not tested on animals. For Information and/or orders please call 01280 814081

Find Out What Cancer Is An independent organisation reporting on issues that effect the general population; great source of books on cancer e.g. Cancer: why we’re still dying to know the truth and the ABC’s of Disease – myth exploding books by world renowned research journalist Phillip Day at Credence Publications that offer a tremendous insight into what cancer is (and what it isn’t) and how it can be overcome and prevented.
Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer by researcher and biochemist Chris Woollams. This is the ground- breaking book that spawned the monthly magazine ICON (Integrated Cancer & Oncology News). Enquiries/orderline: 01280 815166 / The title says it all!

Cancer Literature

Cancer Handbook – a What Doctors Don’t Tell You. A publication exposing the truth about cancer treatment. The monthly WDDTY magazine has many back issues on various cancers & causes of. Back issue list contains full listings of articles/topics covered. WDDTY subscriptions, back issues, information: 020 8944 9555 /
ICON Magazine – a monthly magazine with well-researched, open minded and balanced views of standard and complementary treatments and great anecdotal stories. Available online. Enquiries: 01280 815166 /
The Tree of Life (Everything you need to eat to help you beat cancer), Chris Woollams, ICON: 01280 815166
Food for Thought & The B17 Technical Manual, Phillip Day, Credence: 01622 832386. Keep healthy and beat cancer with naturally occurring foodstuffs such as vitamin B17 rich apricot kernels. - Dr Mercola’s massive web site with up to the minute research comments and articles on all aspects of your health.

Your body wants to be well – it is fighting to be well: give it all the help you can!

If you find a source of information you would like to share with others please let me know and I will add it to future copies of this post and associalted handout.

Prepared by Graham and Sharon at Wishing Well Holistic Therapies Ltd. To contact us please call 01280 814081 or visit us at