Depression: Coping at Christmas
It may be the season of goodwill, but for many there is a darker side to the coming celebrations. Suicide levels rise to their highest in January, and the Samaritans expect to receive 10 per cent more calls over the festive season.
There are many reasons why the festive period can be very difficult for people, 'There is a great deal of pressure to be enjoying themselves, the television and magazines are full of people having a great time and jolly figures of Father Christmas appear almost everywhere. The perception can be that everybody else is happy but you, and then the anticlimax of New Year can hit people particularly hard.
Whether you're one of the many who dread this time of year, or you're worried about someone else here are some tips you may find useful.
1. Don't beat yourself up or give yourself a hard time As stated above there is a great expectation to be happy at Christmas and New Year. When reality doesn't work out that way, it can be even more depressing. Don't blame yourself if you're not feeling great - you are not alone.
2. Spot the signs of trouble If the future seems bleak, and you have lost interest in everything, you need to take stock of your situation. Watch out for the following signs of emotional distress:
difficulties getting to sleep.
problems eating.
excessive drinking.
being anxious.
being angry.
Holding yourself together at work but not joining in with anything at home.
3. Your emotions are your body's signal that something is wrong. If you feel moody, take it seriously and take action.
Look after yourself If your body is healthy, your mind is more able to cope.
Eat sensibly and get plenty of sleep.
Don't rely on alcohol or drugs to get you through.
Exercise to raise your mood (you don’t have to run a marathon just a walk in the fresh air can do wonders.)
Take time out for yourself – give yourself some ‘me’ time.
Give yourself the occasional treat - you deserve it.
4. It's good to talk Find someone you trust, who'll keep what you say confidential, then tell them about your problems. Unexpressed emotions stop you coping with everyday life. Once you talk about them, you'll find you've got more energy, you think more clearly and you're more able to sort things out.
5. Ask for help Admitting to yourself that you need help is a significant step forward. When you get to this point don't be afraid of asking. Remember, if you can’t wait to sort out a therapist and want to talk about anything that's bothering you, you can get in touch with the Samaritans at any time of day or night. They won’t tell you what to do, and definitely won't tell anyone you called, but they will listen for as long as you need.
If you’ve never heard of the Samaritans they are an organisation that provide confidential emotional support to people in crisis, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
You can contact them by calling 08457 90 90 90 (textphone 08457 90 91 92) you’ll find your local branch listed in the phonebook.
If you’re reading this because you’re worried about someone else,
Ask the person how they are feeling and listen to the answer.
No matter how much you want to help, it's difficult to support someone who is suicidal on your own.
Encourage the person to seek help and talk to someone they trust, such as a family member, local therapist or a helpline e.g Samaritans.
Contact Samaritans yourself, who may be able to contact the person you're worried about.
Finally, if you're helping someone who feels suicidal, make sure you remember to take care of yourself, too.
Monday, 27 November 2006
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Just to say that the samaritans saved my life - the more coverage they get the better.
Anon, but I'm sure you won't mind
Do remember you have the POWER OF CHOICE. You are the only person that can choose whether it is good or depressed Christmas.
Do not let other determine your happiness.
Simple MindPOWER
Remembering you have the power of choice can be rather difficult if you are already on that downward spiral of depression. Your suggestion doesn't sound too far removed from 'pull yourself together'. Talking to others e.g the samaritans can be a life saver.
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