Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Reiki for horses - part 1

Reiki Healing for Horses
The following article can relate to any (tame) member of the animal kingdom but having a particular interest in horses I have carried out cases studies accordingly.
Being a practitioner of complementary therapies, specifically Reiki, one is naturally concerned with the well-being of the human body: keeping it healthy, and when necessary returning it to health, in the most natural and non-invasive way as is possible. Complementary therapies have been shown to be beneficial to humans then why not animals? They too are made up of skin, blood, bones and muscle etc and, with minor differences, have all the major organs that we humans have. More specifically animals have an energy meridian system just like we humans: an energy meridian system that in humans is utilized by practitioners of acupuncture, shiatsu Reiki, yoga, tai chi etc. Researching the area of complementary therapies for horses one finds that though there are many horse owners who are indoctrinated in traditional ‘old school’ methods, there are a growing number who accept and use complementary therapies both for themselves and their horses citing the following reasons for their doing so: their concern at the medical professions reliance drug therapy, disenchantment at a lack of results and the continual treatment of the symptom as opposed to the cause. I also detect a growing desire to return to a more natural, and spiritual, side of life away from the chemical cocktails that pollute our own body’s, the bodies’ of the animals under our care and the environment at large.
Whilst the most popular therapies for horses seem to be physiotherapy, shiatsu and chiropractic, interest is growing in Reiki healing as well as ‘horse whisperers’ and even aromatherapy.
So what is Reiki? Reiki is an ancient form of hands-on-healing dating back many thousands of years, with its origins in Tibet. Rediscovered by a Japanese scholar and monk, Dr Mikao Usui, Reiki is a powerful holistic therapy that uses energy to revitalise the mind, body, emotions, and spirit – thus stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities. As stated above Reiki utilises the energy meridian system to remove and clear stagnant chi (energy). One simple description of Reiki I have heard is “acupuncture without the needles.”

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