Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Reiki for horses - part 2

With Reiki, wounds heal quicker and, whether with animals or humans, it is an excellent healer of stress and stress related conditions. Animals that are highly strung or excitable (see attached case studies) can benefit from Reiki. The following list appears on my Reiki flyer for humans and as many of the issues may relate to horses and other animals I have reproduced it here:

REIKI is an excellent Stress buster and may also help with the following:
§ Releasing blocks and suppressed emotions
§ Calming the nervous system.
§ Allergies
§ Back problems
§ Strengthening the immune system
§ Headaches/migraines
§ Muscular aches and pains
§ Confidence
§ Coughs/colds
§ Digestive problems
§ Exhaustion
§ Learning and concentration difficulties.
§ Shock/Trauma
§ Sleep problems
§ Balancing of the organs and glands and their bodily functions

Reiki is a non-invasive therapy. It is not addictive and no tablets or drugs are used. Reiki works well with, and actively empowers, all other therapies and treatments whether homeopathic or allopathic. Reiki can be used whilst an animal is pregnant and whilst it is on a prescribed course of medication, it is highly beneficial after surgery: there are no side-effects.
The process for channelling Reiki to horses is not dissimilar to that with humans. To start with it is important that the horse is relaxed and comfortable as possible. It is advisable to avoid feeding times and times when other horses are being put out to grass or are being brought in from grazing. Horses are generally nosy animals and like to see what is going on so during a healing session try to avoid too much activity in the yard as this will hinder the relaxation process. The basic hand positions are based around the chakra points and the meridian lines. Most animals will accept the Reiki energy but in severe cases of trauma or stress, horses may not want to accept (or to be touched) and will continually pull away. If the animal does not wish to have Reiki then you should respect this and end the session. A session will, on average, last around 30 - 45 minutes but you will be guided by the horse: when they feel they have had enough they tend to become restless and perhaps agitated.
Horses and ponies tend to react in a similar way to each other when being treated. If they are accepting of the Reiki their eyes become droopy and the head begins to relax and drop, the stomach react with gurgling sounds and often the horse will break wind or produce droppings. In some cases the horse will almost fall asleep and the bottom lip will drop and quiver. In some cases where the horse tends to fight the relaxation I have found it best to let the horse decide to come back to you rather than end up following it around the stable. In difficult cases where the horse is not comfortable or does not want to be touched you can start by beaming energy from either outside the stable or from one side, as the horse relaxes you can approach slowly so that you can get closer and return to ‘hands on’ if you wish to do so. The session ends by brushing down the aura from head to rear and down the legs
If you wish for your horse or maybe another animal (tame!) to experience this benevolent, absolute natural force which can restore health and vitality please contact:

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